Are You Looking To Overcome Obstacles In Your Life And Create Financial Freedom For Your Family?

Are You Looking To Overcome Obstacles In Your Life And Create Generational Wealth For Your Family?

Here Is The Challenge Most People Face...

With a family to feed, honest work to be done at 5am the next day, and 20-30 years till it's time to cash-out that 401k, there just doesn't feel like there's enough time or energy to accomplish anything big... So they lose hope.

Here's The Good News:

It is possible for ANYONE to create a better life for themselves and their family.

Also, it is possible to achieve that reality without changing more than a few things about your current lifestyle.

I Started My Podcast To Help You Live Your Best Life

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After an unfortunate explosion overseas took my sight and hearing, I considered becoming a vegetable on the couch for the rest of my life.

Instead, I chose hope.

Thanks to the help of a supportive family and my own willpower to succeed, I was able to turn things around. I ended up launching a business and becoming a real estate investor... All while still pursuing my love of ultra-endurance sports!

If I can do it, so can you.

My podcast exists to shares the habit changes and mindset shifts that I went through to overcome my injuries and become the best version of myself.

I Started My Podcast To Help You Live Your Best Life

After an unfortunate explosion overseas took my sight and hearing, I considered becoming a houseplant and just sitting around for the rest of my life.

Instead, I chose hope. Thanks to the help of a supportive family and my own willpower to succeed, I was able to turn things around. I ended up launching a business and becoming a real estate investor... All while still pursuing my love of ultra-endurance sports!

If I can do it, so can you. My podcast exists to share the habit changes and mindset shifts that I went through to overcome my injuries and become the best version of myself.

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Want To Feel Fulfilled In Your Ideal Life?

It's Easier Than You Think... Here's 3 Simple* Habits You Can Apply To Your Life Over The Next 3 Months... If You Add Only One Step Per Month, Your Life Will Change For The Better:

(Disclaimer: I Said SIMPLE... NOT Easy... But Your Health, Family, And Future Is Worth It)

Habit 1...

Prioritize Your Family

All too often, it can be easy to forget the whole reason we work so hard in the fast place...

Looking for an easy way to improve your life and become the best version of yourself?

Start setting aside time in your calendar everyday to spend time with the people who are most important to you - you family!

This is the first (and most important) habit you need to change if you haven't already begun: Start expressing more gratitude for the people around you and make a routine to integrate them more into your life.

Here's a hard truth for driven people like us: Sometimes we have more time in our calendar dedicated to working than we do for hanging out with the family. Fix this today.

Habit 2...

Focus On Your Health

If you don't have your health, you have nothing.

Here's the challenge for most people: They are stuck making excuses for why their health is not as great as it could be.

They blame some injury, an old illness, or a lack of time.

Here's a tough truth: If you don't make time for your fitness now, you'll be forced to make time for your illness later.

Make the time to focus on your health. It can be as easy as being active a few times per week and avoiding foods (and drinks!) you KNOW are poison. Fix this one habit and everything else will change.

It's going to be hard to spend time with your family and enjoy an affluent life if you're dead...

Habit 3...

Get Your Money Situation Right

Managing your finances is easier than you think.

The first thing you need to do is setup a basic system for setting aside some investment money at the end of every month. This way you can start saving up for your first big investment.

If you already integrated the previous step and started to focus on your health, than this should be easy: Set aside the money you were spending on junk your body doesn't need!

This does NOT have to be hard but it DOES require you to actually follow through and apply this to your life...

Start treating your household income like a business. What does your business exist for if not to create profits for the owners? Do this month after month until you're ready to make that first investment. Start doing this now and never stop.

Watch These Highlights From The Podcast...

Podcast Episode Library

Steve Sims

Steve Sims: The Real-Life Wizard of Making the Impossible Possible

August 18, 20232 min read

Steve Sims: The Real Life Wizard of Oz and How He Makes the Impossible Possible

Curiosity can lead to incredible things, from orchestrating a dinner at the feet of Michelangelo's David to being serenaded by Andrea Bocelli. Today, Aaron sits down with the incredible Steve Sims, the founder of one of the top personal concierge services, to explore how his curiosity and determination have led him to create unforgettable experiences for his clients. Steve started out as a bricklayer, but now he's the mastermind behind a multimillion-dollar business.

Watch this:



In this episode of the Point of Impact podcast, Steve shares his insights on what it takes to achieve anything you set your mind to. He's helped everyone from celebrities to business tycoons achieve their wildest ambitions, and he's distilled his wisdom into two best-selling books: "Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen" and "Go for Stupid - The Art of Achieving Ridiculous Goals."

Known as "The Real Life Wizard of Oz" by Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine, Steve has been quoted in various publications and TV shows, including the Wall Street Journal, London's Sunday Times, and more. Steve is a business coach and mentor who has helped numerous entrepreneurs achieve their goals. With his unique mentoring program, he equips individuals with the skills and mindset needed to turn their ambitious dreams into reality.

On the show, Aaron and Steve explore the origins of the term "Bluefish" and how it has become synonymous with unparalleled experiences. Steve shares his wisdom on how curiosity can become a powerful tool to conquer anything, and enlightens us on the importance of asking the right questions.

Steve's approach to life and business is marked by unwavering honesty, strong ethics, and a willingness to do things his way. In a captivating conversation with Aaron, he shares his insights on what it takes to be a true entrepreneur and how he's managed to accomplish seemingly impossible feats. Don't miss this episode if you want to get the inside scoop on Steve's amazing journey to success, and pick up some tips on how you can also make your big dreams come true.

Favorite Quote:

"Curiosity doesn't merely lead us down new paths, it creates them." 

  - Steve Sims

How to Connect : 

You can connect with Steve Sims through various platforms. 

Visit his official website for more about his journey and work. 

For regular updates, follow him on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn

Listen to his wisdom on his podcast, and don't forget to check out his best-selling books "Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen" and "Go for Stupid - The Art of Achieving Ridiculous Goals".

Links are below: 

How to hear more from Aaron Hale: 

Steve Sims
Aaron Hale is a speaker, podcaster, entrepreneur, investor, Army veteran, and the first blind and deaf person to finish running the 135 Badwater ultramarathon.

Aaron Hale

Aaron Hale is a speaker, podcaster, entrepreneur, investor, Army veteran, and the first blind and deaf person to finish running the 135 Badwater ultramarathon.

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"I Am The Master Of My Fate, I Am The Captain Of My Soul"

~ Invictus, William Earnest Henley

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